Fibonacci clock
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Dev

A simple Fibonacci clock

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Topics: Machine Learning


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Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Dev

Does simple calculations

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Topics: Flutter, Dart, App Dev

An app where you can keep records of your transactions

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Tower of Hanoi
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Dev

A game based on the principles of tower of hanoi.

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Student Acdemic Performance
Topics: Data Science

Data visualization based dataset on the performance of students

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Face Detection
Topics: Python3, OpenCV, Numpy

an application that detects human faces, counts number of faces in a frame and detect number of persons entering or moving out from a specfic place.

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Topics: Python3, Tkinter, SQLite, GUI

A desktop GUI app that is meant to help to make learning better for begginers in Python3.

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Let Us C Solution
Topics: C, Problem Solving

Let Us C is one of the most important book for preapring interview. This project contains solution Let Us C book exercise.

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